ISBN : 9781032230948
Author : Ramesh Namdeo Pudake
Publisher : Crc Press
Year : 2023
Language : English
Type : Book
Description : Millets are popularly known as “nutri-cereals” due to their high calcium, dietary fiber, polyphenol, vitamins, and protein content. Millet crops have the potential to aid in food security efforts in regions where natural and manmade causes are deteriorating land resources. Nutriomics of Millet Crops emphasizes the importance of nutriomics of millet crops in the context of universal health, highlighting biotechnological advancements offering enrichment of the nutritional value of millets. Millet crops have the potential to be a staple crop, demonstrating an economically feasible approach to combat micronutrient malnutrition. Features: Presents comprehensive studies on health-promoting nutritional components of millets. Provides enumeration on molecular breeding strategies for improvement of millet nutraceuticals. Discusses genomics-assisted breeding for enhancement of nutritional quality in millets. Includes information related to sensory and biofortification of millet-based foods.