ISBN : 9780443314926
Author : Youssef N. Raffoul
Publisher : Academic Press
Year : 2025
Language : English
Type : Book
Description : Difference Equations and Applications provides unique coverage of high-level topics in the application of difference equations and dynamical systems. The book begins with extensive coverage of the calculus of difference equations, including contemporary topics on l_p stability, exponential stability, and parameters that can be used to qualitatively study solutions to non-linear difference equations, including variations of parameters and equations with constant coefficients, before moving on to the Z-Transform and its various functions, scalings, and applications. It covers systems, Lyapunov functions, and stability, a subject rarely covered in competitor titles, before concluding with a comprehensive section on new variations of parameters. Exercises are provided after each section, ranging from an easy to medium level of difficulty. When finished, students are set up to conduct meaningful research in discrete dynamical systems. In summary, this book is a comprehensive resource that delves into the mathematical theory of difference equations while highlighting their practical applications in various dynamic systems. It is highly likely to be of interest to students, researchers, and professionals in fields where discrete modeling and analysis are essential.